Hillary Clinton shouts: "You FuckingJew Bastard!"
Clip from BBC Documentary:
This is Bill Clinton campaign manager Paul Fray plus other top Clinton backers both Mary Lee and top aide Neill McDonald, all three agree they simultaneously heard these words from Hillary, making it—among the 5 people present—unanimous among everyone other than the two Clintons themselves. What would you think if simultaneously triple witness charges were about any other candidate?
The other two witnesses back Paul Fray, interview shown on BBC:
#NeverHillary = #antisemitism Vid&*2*OTHERS thereCONFIRM(Refs: https://t.co/3d2Wb0G6Wi )HC shout:"uFcknJewBastard!" pic.twitter.com/obK7u9pliM
— EconomicDemocracyOrg (@EconDemocracy1) August 8, 2016
TweetWatch shocking 2 minutes from BBC Documentary here:
Backup copy on vid.me in case problems with copy from twittervid.me is gone. If above from youtube doesn't play, go to vid directory and (it may just play find in your browser or else) right-click to save roughly 2.5 MB sized .mp4 to your drive and then play on your device.
New: Another backup copy of Video exposing Hillary, at Old.Bitchute.com, seeBBC Exposes Hillary. Who was 2016 Election's N-word using racist and antisemitic bigot?
#NeverHillary = #antisemitism Vid&*2*OTHERS thereCONFIRM(Refs: https://t.co/3d2Wb0G6Wi )HC shout:"uFcknJewBastard!" pic.twitter.com/obK7u9pliM
— LesserEvil2016.com (@EconDemocracy1) August 8, 2016
For more background (where we find out they were reluctantly testifying: not "disgruntled" anything but reluctantly admitting and even instinctively trying protect Hillary in the framing as "that one little comment" (There's nothing "little" about using an ugly ethnic anti-Semitic slur, of course, it's just knee-jerk by a Clinton operative admitting something terrible about her) Tweet If it were any other candidate...
with unanimous agreement by all witnesses
other than the candidate and their spouse,
and these were pro-candidate witnesses,
what would you think? You'd mentally file it under:
"it definitely happened! She definitely
shouted that anti-Semitic slur!"
New Yet another witness testifies to Hillary Clinton using the N-word, not some former lover of Bill Clinton, but a renouwned Chef who has worked for Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy among others — and Hillary's used of the racist slur not in 1970s in Arkansas as in other testimonies, but as FLOTUS, in the mid-1990s
And for links to leading UK newspaper The Guardian article, etc, some background about racism and the racist policies of Hillary Clinton, see the main page:
Main page (has References) is: HillaryAntisemitism.com
Which also links to HRC's use of N-word, and more on her abuses towards African Americans
See also our site:
Who's the real "lesser evil"?